Feb 2018
As God’s own people, He has commanded us to pray. In the Old Testament. In the New Testament. In sickness. In grave danger. In health. In times of abundant blessing. In peace. In other words, there’s never a time when He’s not expecting to hear from us! The longer I walk with the Lord (nearing 42 years now), I have learned that prayer is the most difficult discipline with which to remain consistent. It is also one the enemy targets fiercely because, as you hand I have also learned, it has the......
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February 26, 2018
A Divided Life vs. A Life of Prayer
Prayer is a great unifier: it pulls together seemingly disparate parts of the believer’s life. While we have a tendency to divide our life into the “Christian” parts and the “other” parts, the Bible recognizes...
February 16, 2018
The Three Elements of Faith
They committed themselves to the Apostle’s teaching. When I think of this I think of Romans when Paul wrote, “Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God”. We as believers are to, “Live...
February 15, 2018
Sharp Keys
I have often wondered about the exchange between Jesus and Simon Peter in Matthew 16. You know those verses that tell how Jesus recognized Simon as being blessed to receive a revelation from God? Then...
February 14, 2018
Ash Wednesday & Valentine’s Day: Two Great Rivers That Meet in Jesus
Lent has traditionally been a time for believers to consider, in humility, who we truly are before the Lord. It’s a time for acknowledging our need, our ‘lostness’ without Him. It reminds us of Jesus...
February 13, 2018
The Christian Soldier and the Word of God
There’s something about a soldier in uniform that commands respect, yet without possessing weapons he or she doesn’t stand much chance of defeating an enemy who has equipment. Any weapon the enemy has will be...
February 12, 2018
“Fun, Fun, Fun on Der Autobahn”
You might know the song Autobahn from the band Kraftwerk. It’s a quick little 23 -minute (!) toe-tapper in which they sing in German, “We’re driving, driving, driving on the Autobahn” over and over again...
February 09, 2018
What Do We Remember
As we read 1 Cor 11:23-26 we notice what our Lord said, “Do this in remembrance of Me.” What is it we are to remember? Could it be the incarnation? That God took upon flesh? ...
February 08, 2018
Blessed, Broken, Given
I love a campfire. Perhaps it’s the crackling and popping sounds or the smell of burning cedar. Maybe it’s the way the immediate area is filled with an amber glow casting shadows into the surrounding...
February 06, 2018
Worship and the Long, Inward Look
When I celebrate the Lord’s table on the first Sunday of the month, it is something that excites me as I sense the Lord’s presence in a powerful way. It is also a time when...