Mar 2019

If you love God’s Word – I mean really love it – you have no doubt encountered other Christians who are decidedly less enthusiastic about it than you are. They may love the fellowship and comradery of gathering together with other believers, or the pageantry and antiquity of the liturgy – if they happen to attend a liturgical church. Or perhaps they love music – hymns or contemporary worship, no matter – church music just ‘does it’ for them. But, when you sit together in the fellowship hall and you begin talking......
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February 08, 2018
Blessed, Broken, Given
I love a campfire. Perhaps it’s the crackling and popping sounds or the smell of burning cedar. Maybe it’s the way the immediate area is filled with an amber glow casting shadows into the surrounding...
November 19, 2017
Thanksgiving Eye Trouble
‘No, seriously, weren’t there ten?’ The story’s pretty well known. Jesus is traveling and preaching and healing. And in Luke 17:11-19 we find this thought-provoking incident. On the way to Jerusalem he was passing along between...