Nov 2018

In consideration of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, which we observed yesterday, I’d like us to consider the story of Mojtaba Hosseini, an Iranian Christian man who learned two precious lessons from the Lord through his persecution. First, he learned that God can use us for His glory anywhere. Second, He learned that Christianity is never about us; it’s about the One we worship. I hope this article will give those of us who enjoy the daily blessings of first-world freedoms plenty to think about. In the One......
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September 11, 2018
The ‘Christian Family’ and Bagging an Octopus
We might call this the Age of the Redefinition of Terms. Word’s like marriage, family, sin, freedom have all experienced a significant retooling in the past several decades. But, for believers, there is only one...
March 02, 2018
Prayer – Life’s Anchor
I have to say, I, like many of you, struggled with prayer. First, you wonder, why should I pray, God knows everything. Second, you might say, He never seems to answer my prayers so what’s...
January 01, 2018
A Closed Mouth and a Silent Heart
“My heart became hot within me. As I mused, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue” (Psalm 39:3). Prayer among evangelical Christians is always in danger of degenerating into a glorified gold rush....