Oct 2018

Mercy is one of our Father’s many magnificent attributes. Those of us who have found mercy – who have been kissed by God’s mercy – need not have it explained to us. Those who have never known it can never understand it, no matter how eloquent the explanation offered. Mercy rescued me, a guilty sinner and a lost man. Mercy delivered me from the quicksand of my own sinfulness and set my feet upon solid ground. Mercy embraced me and assured me of God’s love. Mercy cost me nothing, yet it cost......
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September 03, 2018
Throwing Love Away
This morning I’m reposting a wonderful blog that Jennifer Rothschild wrote back in February of 2016. It beautifully considers the story of Hosea and Gomer and wrestles with the idea of how we far too...
August 28, 2018
Godly Living in a Godless Age, Part 2
This is a continuation of yesterday’s blog. Please see the introduction to that blog if you missed it. P. Gene Keeping Life in Perspective Sin always brings some form of death. Always. Jesus always...
June 18, 2018
Love to a Thousand Generations
There’s a beautiful and oft-overlooked promise in the book of Exodus. There, God describes Himself as “a jealous God” who visits “the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth...
May 16, 2018
Leading Like Jesus
Power and authority are often put for the same thing, but they’re very different. Many mothers, for instance, often have very little power, but have tremendous authority. While love will cause you to lose power,...
May 14, 2018
Choose Love
Power and love are both highly sought-after entities, but we don’t often consider how they relate to one another. Tony Campolo, professor emeritus of Sociology at Eastern University, has shared some interesting thoughts on this...
March 20, 2018
Another Fire
“When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and bread. Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.”...
February 14, 2018
Ash Wednesday & Valentine’s Day: Two Great Rivers That Meet in Jesus
Lent has traditionally been a time for believers to consider, in humility, who we truly are before the Lord. It’s a time for acknowledging our need, our ‘lostness’ without Him. It reminds us of Jesus...