Oct 2021

In John 4:35-36 Jesus said, “Look! I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together.” What is the first thing Jesus asks us to do here? What does He hope His disciples will “see”? Who is the “sower” here? The “reaper”? What are the wages Jesus is speaking about? What does He mean by the phrase ‘eternal life’? What is the source of the sower......
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July 25, 2021
The Long Road Back to Bethel
Questions to Consider for the Morning of the Church Picnic Think about this: what are some of the most terrifying verses in the Bible? Which do you think is the MOST terrifying? In Matthew 7:21-23,...
September 29, 2019
Hope for the Spiritual Vagrant
Wandering is a common occurrence in the Bible. Right from the beginning, Adam and Eve were driven from the garden of Eden and sent in an eastward direction with no possible way to return. Cain...
March 25, 2019
The Shoe Factory
There’s an illustration I heard many years ago. I’m sorry, but I don’t know who wrote it. It tells the story of shoe factory and it goes something like this … Imagine that there’s a...
March 11, 2019
Stealing Beauty from True Christian Giving
I love the way Paul speaks to the Corinthians about their participation in the collection he was taking up for the impoverished saints in Jerusalem: “I am not saying this as a command, but I...
March 04, 2019
The Manger, The Cross & Christian Giving
When the apostle Paul was taking up a collection for the suffering believers who lived in Jerusalem, he presented the Corinthians with two examples of generous giving. First, he used the example of the Macedonian...
February 25, 2019
When the Day is Done
‘When the day is done,Down to earth, then, sinks the sun,Along with all that’s lost and won –When the day is done’ -Nick Drake- A Witness in Our Biology And so the day is done....
February 18, 2019
The Secret of Walking with God
Dear Church, This morning, I’m reposting a wonderful passage excerpted from Secrets of the Secret Place by Bob Sorge that I really wanted us to see. We’ve been talking about the challenges of walking with God...
February 04, 2019
Morning’s Invitation to See the Invisible
Nurse: “Doctor, the invisible man is in the waiting room.” Doctor: “Tell him I can’t see him right now.” Bud-dum! We’ve all heard the expression, ‘I must be seeing things!’ But truth be known, people...
January 28, 2019
How to Live Among Scoffers
In their last written words, the Apostles Peter and Paul felt it was important to warn the church of the grave dangers that lie ahead. In his final letter, Paul wrote: “Understand this, that in...