Mar 2024

Today is Good Friday – an exhausting day. While we remember it as the day that our Lord was crucified, it’s important to remember that the Jews reckoned the beginning of a new day at sundown. Therefore, Friday actually included all of the events of our Thursday evening: the Last Supper, Gethsemane, Judas’ kiss, the arrest of Jesus, Peter’s denial, the disciples’ fleeing, etc . . . Good Friday is about death – not victory. It’s about sin, darkness, evil. THE ARREST Luke records three elements in the betrayal and arrest of......
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April 19, 2019
Good Friday
Today is Good Friday – an exhausting day. While we remember it as the day that our Lord was crucified, it’s important to remember that the Jews reckoned the beginning of a new day at...
November 13, 2017
Finding Life on the Other Side of the Cross
It sounds like a paradox. It’s one of the most difficult verses in the New Testament to wrap our minds around. It’s disarmingly simple, yet deeper than the deepest ocean. “Whoever wants to save his...