Sep 2018

We might call this the Age of the Redefinition of Terms. Word’s like marriage, family, sin, freedom have all experienced a significant retooling in the past several decades. But, for believers, there is only one primary standard by which we measure and define: God’s Word. So, our question should be tweaked to ask, ‘What does the Bible say constitutes a Christian family?’ There is little question that biblical values, and the biblical worldview, have become the targets of derision and scorn in 21st century America and in much of the first world.......
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September 10, 2018
Why Marriage?
This morning I’m reposting an insightful article from FamilyLife ministries written by Dave Boehi. In it, Dave explores in simple, straightforward language the three great purposes God intends for marriage. Hold your own marriage up...
September 04, 2018
Faithfulness in the Small Stuff
Each time we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Table at Harvest we read our confession of faith. One part of it goes like this: “We believe that private and family prayer, the reading of the...
September 03, 2018
Throwing Love Away
This morning I’m reposting a wonderful blog that Jennifer Rothschild wrote back in February of 2016. It beautifully considers the story of Hosea and Gomer and wrestles with the idea of how we far too...
August 28, 2018
Godly Living in a Godless Age, Part 2
This is a continuation of yesterday’s blog. Please see the introduction to that blog if you missed it. P. Gene Keeping Life in Perspective Sin always brings some form of death. Always. Jesus always...
August 27, 2018
Godly Living in a Godless Age, Part 1
Our Greatest Challenge It’s clearly the greatest challenge any believer faces in following Jesus today: How can I remain godly in a godless age? This week I’m doing something a bit differently in the blogs....
August 21, 2018
The Divine Sigh
Have you ever heard the sound of God sighing within you? He lives in you, if you’ve come to Jesus by faith in who He is and what He’s done. Paul calls it a mystery...
August 20, 2018
‘What More Could I Have Done?’
Parents want the very best for our children. We raise them, love them, nurture them, guide them, pray for them, and pray for them and then pray for them again! But many a broken-hearted parent...