Sep 2018

“If we would have people who have come to faith Jesus Christ focus on the judgment seat of Christ— they would agree with Paul that these light momentary afflictions are producing for them an eternal and exceedingly heavy weight of glory.”___ Earl Radmacher I am convinced that motivation is critical if our servanthood at the judgment is going to be acceptable. Laboring faithfully for the Lord is necessary but it has to arise from pure motives. Consider Jesus’s words in Matthew 6:5, “And when you pray, you must not be like the......
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April 23, 2018
You Gotta Serve Somebody, Yes Indeedy Doo
Bob Dylan wrote some really great songs during his so-called ‘born-again’ period. Perhaps the most famous was, You Gotta Serve Somebody. The lyrics are pure gold: You may be an ambassador to England or France...
March 06, 2018
The Fellowship
As I think about the “fellowship” theme of Acts 2:42, I ask myself the following questions: ‘What made these new believers so passionate in their meeting together?’ ‘What would cause them to have all things...
February 06, 2018
Worship and the Long, Inward Look
When I celebrate the Lord’s table on the first Sunday of the month, it is something that excites me as I sense the Lord’s presence in a powerful way. It is also a time when...