Mar 2020

Good morning, Church. Where do we even begin with such lofty passages? All I can say is that I take it as a gift of God that we are in these verses so close to Holy Week! In them, Jesus makes the greatest defense recorded in Scripture of who He is, who He’s not and what His relationship to the Father is like. I think a lot of these verses are bewildering to modern readers – and that’s certainly a challenge. Why would “My Father is working until now, and I am......
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December 17, 2018
Why Did Jesus Come?
At Christmastime, perhaps more than at other times of the year, we think about Jesus coming into the world and why He came. So, why did Jesus come into the world? Careful! The answer you...
September 04, 2018
Faithfulness in the Small Stuff
Each time we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Table at Harvest we read our confession of faith. One part of it goes like this: “We believe that private and family prayer, the reading of the...
December 01, 2017
A Love Explosion Called YOU!
We all strive for purity as believers, right? We want to be like our Lord and our Lord is pure in every way. In Him, John tells us, “is no darkness at all.” That, he...