Sep 2018

In his devotional book New Morning Mercies, author Paul David Tripp makes this statement in his September 6th reading, “I think many of us are just not on Jesus’s agenda page. What we dream of and hope for is not the same as what he has promised us and works by zealous grace to deliver to us.” With all that He has done for us you would think this might never be the case. Thankfully, my wife has never had to bail me out of jail. But, if she had to, do......
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February 01, 2018
The Good, The Bad and The Ungodly
The setting of Acts chapter 8 brings us to events that followed the martyrdom of Stephen and the spread of persecution throughout Jerusalem. It was time for at least one of the disciples of...
November 13, 2017
Finding Life on the Other Side of the Cross
It sounds like a paradox. It’s one of the most difficult verses in the New Testament to wrap our minds around. It’s disarmingly simple, yet deeper than the deepest ocean. “Whoever wants to save his...