Oct 2018

Mercy is one of our Father’s many magnificent attributes. Those of us who have found mercy – who have been kissed by God’s mercy – need not have it explained to us. Those who have never known it can never understand it, no matter how eloquent the explanation offered. Mercy rescued me, a guilty sinner and a lost man. Mercy delivered me from the quicksand of my own sinfulness and set my feet upon solid ground. Mercy embraced me and assured me of God’s love. Mercy cost me nothing, yet it cost......
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October 08, 2018
The Mercy of Jesus: A Meditation, Part 1
It is impossible for me to imagine that Johann Gerhard’s Sacred Meditations were written when he was only twenty-two years old. I knew nothing at twenty-two, and I sometimes feel that I know even less now!...
July 10, 2018
“Why Not Rather Be Defrauded?”
In reading through the Gospels, it’s virtually impossible to miss the compassion of Jesus. It’s everywhere on display. It’s what drove Him to seek the lost, provide for their needs, heal their illnesses and urge...
December 18, 2017
Sisyphus and the One Name
I can think of no darker words than these two: no hope. Craig Biehl called them the two unbearable words. He writes: “Two small words. When heard on the battlefield, in the hospital waiting room,...