The Well

April 20, 2019

Holy Saturday

Today is Holy Saturday. Our Lord’s body is in the tomb, but His soul is in the realm of the dead making a victorious proclamation. At last the saved dead – waiting since Adam –...

Good Friday
April 19, 2019

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday – an exhausting day. While we remember it as the day that our Lord was crucified, it’s important to remember that the Jews reckoned the beginning of a new day at...

Maundy Thursday
April 18, 2019

Maundy Thursday

Today, Maundy Thursday marks the beginning of the Triduum or the “three days.” Earlier this same day the Lord Jesus had instructed His disciples to prepare for what would be a distressing and holy meal,...

Holy Wednesday
April 17, 2019

Holy Wednesday

Today is Holy Wednesday (reckoned from Tuesday evening to Wednesday evening). There is no mention in Scripture of what Jesus did on the Wednesday of His final week. This day has often been called “Spy...

Holy Tuesday
April 16, 2019

Holy Tuesday

Today is Holy Tuesday (actually reckoned from Monday evening to Tuesday evening). Holy Tuesday was a day of conflict and a day of teaching for our Lord. It was VERY busy! According to Matthew, Mark...