Mar 2024

Today, Maundy Thursday marks the beginning of the Triduum or the “three days.” Earlier this same day the Lord Jesus had instructed His disciples to prepare for what would be a distressing and holy meal, His Last Supper. The disciples made these preparations throughout the day (Matthew 26:17). On our Thursday evening (Jewish Friday), we want to find ourselves in the upper room with Jesus and the Apostles. Jesus washing his disciples feet (John 13:1ff.). The final meal. The revelation that He’s being betrayed. The turmoil. The sadness. The confusion. The singing.......
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April 18, 2019
Maundy Thursday
Today, Maundy Thursday marks the beginning of the Triduum or the “three days.” Earlier this same day the Lord Jesus had instructed His disciples to prepare for what would be a distressing and holy meal,...