Mar 2018
![Sojourns in Solitude: Leaving the Desert, Trembling](https://harvestcommunity.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/4.-Sojourns-in-Solitude-Leaving-the-Desert-Trembling.jpg)
In Matthew 14, Jesus performed one of His most astonishing miracles: He fed a multitude of 5,000+ bewildered people with a few fish and few loaves of bread. God had moved and moved powerfully. He’d manifested His omnipotent control over the natural in a supernatural display of divine capability. It was dynamic, startling and exhausting. Whenever God moves in our lives – when He illuminates some darkness and gives us understanding, or provides for some need in unimagined way, or lights our path and gives us direction through the Word and the......
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March 15, 2018
Sojourns in Solitude: Prayer and the Festal Shout
A wonderful passage in Peter’s second epistle reminds us that God’s “divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). Jesus said, “I came that they may...
March 12, 2018
Sojourns in Solitude: The Disciples’ Schoolhouse
We need the desert. A quiet place, a retreat. We need a place where we can meet our heavenly Father without distraction. A place to practice silence in the Lord’s presence. A place to listen,...