The Satan File 3: “And the Great Dragon was Thrown Down” (Revelation 12:9)
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | September 03, 2023
Satan File 3 – “And the Great Dragon was Thrown Down” (Revelation 12.9) (23.09.03)
The Satan File 2: The Angelic Majesties (Ezekiel 1, 2 Peter 2.4-15)
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | August 27, 2023
Satan File 2: The Angelic Majesties (2 Peter 2.4-15) (23.08.27) (128)
The Satan File 1: The Great Sifter (Luke 22.31-34, Ezekiel 28.11-19)
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | August 20, 2023
Satan File 1 – The Great Sifter (Luke 22.31-34, Ezekiel 28.11-19) (23.08.20)
Another Father (John 8:38-47)
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | August 13, 2023
Another Father (John 8.38-47) (23.08.13)
“You Delight in Truth in the Inward Parts” (Psalm 51.6) (Church Picnic, 2023)
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | August 07, 2023
“You Delight in Truth in the Inward Parts” (Psalm 51.6) (Church Picnic, 23.08.06)
Of Slaves & Sons (John 8.33-36)
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | July 09, 2023
Of Slaves & Sons (John 8.33-36) (23.07.09)
‘The Truth Will Set You Free!’ But From What? (John 8.32b)
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | July 02, 2023
‘The Truth Will Set You Free’ (John 8.32b-38) (23.07.02)
“Truth Has Stumbled in the Streets” (Isaiah 59:14-15) (Father’s Day 2023)
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | June 18, 2023
“Truth Has Stumbled in the Streets” (Isaiah 59.14-15) (Father’s Day 2023) (23.06.18)
‘You Will Know the Truth’ (John 8.32a)
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | June 11, 2023
‘You Will Know the Truth’ (John 8.32a) (23.06.11)
Invitation to the WORD-HOUSE (John 8.31)
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | June 04, 2023
Invitation to the WORD-HOUSE (John 8.31) (23.06.04)