Pilgrimage to the Glory Cloud, Part 1: A Tent of Meeting
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | June 28, 2020
A Tent of Meeting (20.06.28)
Parenting from the Safe Zone
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | June 21, 2020
Parenting from the Safe Zone (Father’s Day 2020) (20.06.21)
The Creativity & Artistry of Our God
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | June 14, 2020
The Creativity & Artistry of Our God (20.06.14)
Are You Sitting Comfortably? (Plus Charlie & Jane Sanchez Devotional)
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | June 07, 2020
Charlie + Jane Sanchez Testimony/Becoming Comfotable with the Uncomfortable (20.06.07)
Noah’s Boat, Part 3: “God Remembered Noah”
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | May 24, 2020
”God Remembered Noah” (20.05.24) (320)
Noah’s Boat, Part 2: The Earth was Corrupt and Filled with Violence
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | May 17, 2020
The Earth was Corrupt and Filled with Violence (20.05.17 ) (320)
Noah’s Boat, Part 1: “Just as it Happened in the Days of Noah”
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | May 10, 2020
Noah’s Boat, Part 1: Just as it Happened in the Days of Noah (320)
The Stranger on the Road, Part 4: The In-Gathering
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | May 03, 2020
The In-gathering (Luke 24.28-43, 14.25-35; John 12.20-26)
The Stranger on the Road, Part 3: The Hands that Invite Us to Follow
Speaker: Pastor Gene Giguere | April 26, 2020
The Hands That Invite Us to Follow Jesus (Luke 24.28-35) (04.26.20)