“Act Justly” – Giving People What They Deserve

The Big Three This is a wonderful passage isn’t it? I remember being in high school/college/seminary and, no matter what course I was taking, the question on every student’s mind was the same: ‘What’s going to be on the test?’ We all wanted to know what the teacher expected of us. Believers are like that … Read more

Drowning in Rivers of Oil

What does the Lord require of me? When the Lord looks at me, a sinner He’s rescued from sin and death, what does He expect to find? Micah 6:8 famously asks and answers that very question. “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and … Read more

The Blood That Delivered Us, and Keeps Delivering Us

In Micah 6, the Lord calls upon the mountains and the hills to witness His accusation against His people. Why have they been so unfaithful? Why have they abandoned Him for other gods, for idols? Why have they walked away from His love? The Lord has an indictment to bring! But, despite their unfaithfulness, He … Read more

The Lost Art of Contrition

Note: Dear friends, today’s blog is significantly longer than most. It was intended to be split into two blogs, but I couldn’t think of a way to split it without breaking its ‘rhythm,’ if that makes sense.  So here it is: one blog for this week instead of two, but there’s an awful lot here. … Read more

The Mercy of Jesus: A Meditation, Part 2

Mercy is one of our Father’s many magnificent attributes. Those of us who have found mercy – who have been kissed by God’s mercy – need not have it explained to us. Those who have never known it can never understand it, no matter how eloquent the explanation offered. Mercy rescued me, a guilty sinner … Read more

The Mercy of Jesus: A Meditation, Part 1

It is impossible for me to imagine that Johann Gerhard’s Sacred Meditations were written when he was only twenty-two years old. I knew nothing at twenty-two, and I sometimes feel that I know even less now! Gerhard’s Meditations are profoundly inspiring and deeply, deeply spiritual. They seem to be the work of a much older man – … Read more

The ‘Christian Family’ and Bagging an Octopus

We might call this the Age of the Redefinition of Terms. Word’s like marriage, family, sin, freedom have all experienced a significant retooling in the past several decades. But, for believers, there is only one primary standard by which we measure and define: God’s Word. So, our question should be tweaked to ask, ‘What does … Read more

Why Marriage?

This morning I’m reposting an insightful article from FamilyLife ministries written by Dave Boehi. In it, Dave explores in simple, straightforward language the three great purposes God intends for marriage. Hold your own marriage up against these and ask whether or not its achieving God’s objectives. As always, I’ve included reflective questions at the end. … Read more

Faithfulness in the Small Stuff

Each time we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Table at Harvest we read our confession of faith. One part of it goes like this: “We believe that private and family prayer, the reading of the Scriptures, punctual attendance to the public worship of God and gathering together of His people, and special appointments for the … Read more

Throwing Love Away

This morning I’m reposting a wonderful blog that Jennifer Rothschild wrote back in February of 2016. It beautifully considers the story of Hosea and Gomer and wrestles with the idea of how we far too often throw love away. As always, I’ve included reflective questions at the end. Enjoy! P. Gene The Incredible Scandal of … Read more