Nov 2018
Micah 6:8 really captures our attention because when Gods says, ‘Here’s what I’m expecting of you,’ believers perk up! And it doesn’t get much clearer than this: “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.” #1. “Do justly.” #2. “Love mercy.” #3. “Walk humbly with thy God.” A Mercy That Transforms We’ve previously seen that justice (like mercy) is something that God expects to find growing in His children because......
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November 18, 2018
Are You A Thanks-Giver? Then Give Thanks HERE!
Remember the ten lepers Jesus healed in Luke 17:11-19? Leprosy was a devastating and separating disease. It separated one from his or her loved ones and community. It rendered them an outcast. Well, the ten...
November 12, 2018
Two Seats
It’s one of the most powerful stories in the Gospels, even if it’s of questionable paternity. A woman is accused of being caught in the very act of adultery. Her accusers bring her before Jesus...
November 05, 2018
It’s Not About You. Really, It’s Not.
In consideration of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, which we observed yesterday, I’d like us to consider the story of Mojtaba Hosseini, an Iranian Christian man who learned two precious lessons...