Sep 2018
“If we would have people who have come to faith Jesus Christ focus on the judgment seat of Christ— they would agree with Paul that these light momentary afflictions are producing for them an eternal and exceedingly heavy weight of glory.”___ Earl Radmacher I am convinced that motivation is critical if our servanthood at the judgment is going to be acceptable. Laboring faithfully for the Lord is necessary but it has to arise from pure motives. Consider Jesus’s words in Matthew 6:5, “And when you pray, you must not be like the......
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September 18, 2018
Jesus’ Agenda Page
In his devotional book New Morning Mercies, author Paul David Tripp makes this statement in his September 6th reading, “I think many of us are just not on Jesus’s agenda page. What we dream of...
September 17, 2018
A Lesson from Florence
At the time I’m writing this, the coastline of the Carolina’s is bracing for the arrival of Hurricane Florence. Currently, Florence is reported to be some 200 miles off the coast moving slowly at about...
September 11, 2018
The ‘Christian Family’ and Bagging an Octopus
We might call this the Age of the Redefinition of Terms. Word’s like marriage, family, sin, freedom have all experienced a significant retooling in the past several decades. But, for believers, there is only one...
September 10, 2018
Why Marriage?
This morning I’m reposting an insightful article from FamilyLife ministries written by Dave Boehi. In it, Dave explores in simple, straightforward language the three great purposes God intends for marriage. Hold your own marriage up...
September 04, 2018
Faithfulness in the Small Stuff
Each time we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Table at Harvest we read our confession of faith. One part of it goes like this: “We believe that private and family prayer, the reading of the...
September 03, 2018
Throwing Love Away
This morning I’m reposting a wonderful blog that Jennifer Rothschild wrote back in February of 2016. It beautifully considers the story of Hosea and Gomer and wrestles with the idea of how we far too...