Devoted to the Breaking of Bread

Today’s reading is from James Montgomery Boice with questions I’ve developed from the text. Enjoy! “The third characteristic of the early Christian church was worship. There was “the breaking of bread” and “prayer.” “Breaking of bread” stands for the communion service, and prayer, although it is something we can do individually and at different times, … Read more

Devoted to the Fellowship

Today’s reading is from James Montgomery Boice with questions I’ve developed from the text. Enjoy! “Not only did it devote itself to the apostles’ teaching, but the early church also devoted itself to fellowship at many levels. [John] Stott says that “the word ‘fellowship’ was born on the Day of Pentecost.” This is because Christian … Read more

Devoted to the Apostle’s Teaching

Today’s reading is from James Montgomery Boice with questions I’ve developed from the text. Enjoy! “Acts 2:42–47 describes the early church. It is presented as a model church … [I]t was a model in many important respects … These verses tell what developed in the church and how it functioned in those remarkable days after … Read more

Our Time or God’s Time? An Illustrative Look at Discipleship

As we prepare to roll out the new discipleship ministry at Harvest, Pastor Gene has devoted a good deal of time in his messages talking about the differences between the “believer” and the “disciple.” We understand that a believer is anyone who has come to authentic, saving faith in Jesus Christ at the moment they … Read more