Five-Branch Tree of End-Times Bible Prophecy, Part 6: The Rise of Antichrist’s Kingdom

Five-Branch Tree of End-Times Bible Prophecy, Part 6: The Rise of Antichrist’s Kingdom

The Bible predicts that a world ruler will arise in the last days who will ultimately rule over a one-world government. He’s known by many names, but most prominently as the Antichrist. Let’s try to learn all we can about this coming “man of sin.”

  1. Look at 2 Thessalonians 2:1-10. List all the facts you can draw from this passage about this “man of lawlessness.”
  2. Some scholars have argued that the Antichrist will be the literal son of Satan as Jesus is the literal Son of God. They point to Genesis 3:15. Can you see why? Anything here?
  3. How does John 5:43 fit into this study? What is Jesus referring to here?
  4. Revelation 13 describes two ‘beasts.’ The First Beast (13:1-10), is the person we call the Antichrist. List all the facts you can find in these verses about this blasphemous First Beast.
  5. The Second Beast (13:11-18) describes the person we call the False Prophet, who will insist that the whole world worships the First Beast and his ‘image.’ List all the facts you can find in these verses about this Second Beast. (NOTE: This passage also gives us some additional details about the First Beast!)
  6. Consider Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:15-22 together. What do they tell us about this coming world ruler?
  7. How will things turn out for these two ‘beasts’? See Revelation 19:19-20 and 20:10, along with 2 Thess. 2:8.
  8. What are some of the ways dictators have consolidated power throughout history? Are we seeing any of these today?
  9. America, a great superpower, is nowhere to be found in the end times scenario of the Bible. How can we explain this?
  10. Leviticus 26 has dire warnings of national discipline for any client nation which refuses to return to the Lord. Consider 26:23-25 especially. How might this be relevant to us?
  11. In Daniel’s prophecy of the last days (12:8-10), who are the ones who “will understand” and what will they have done?