Tag: Alms

Jul 2018
Living Inside Out

It’s a theme that runs throughout the New Testament: to follow Jesus means to live inside out. That’s not to say that the outside doesn’t matter – it does! God holds us accountable for what we do and say. He expects obedience of us, and a good testimony – and confession, if sin has broken our fellowship with Him. The problem is this: while were often more concerned with the ‘outside,’ God is always more concerned with the ‘inside.’ In fact, over and over again in Scripture we’re reminded that if what’s......

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Alms from Within
July 30, 2018

Alms from Within

Do you remember how in 1 Samuel 15 God gave Saul the victory over the Amalekites? His instructions to the king were pretty straight forward: “Attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them”...