Reflection Questions: “I Will Give Him the Morning Star“ (Revelation 2.21-29)

    1. In Rev. 2:25, Jesus gives the faithful saints at Thyatira one command: “Only hold fast what you have until I come.” What ‘did they have’ that they needed to “hold fast” to? Faithfulness is important to Jesus. What are some of the challenges that make it difficult to stay faithful to the Lord today? Consider the personal challenges that can hinder your faithfulness. Now, measure them against what Jesus told the saints at Smyrna in Rev. 2:10. Thoughts?
    2. It is fascinating to read Paul’s description of the future resurrection of believers. All believers will receive a glorified body (Matthew 13:43; Colossians 3:4; Hebrews 2:10). However, these bodies will differ in glory from believer to believer. Read and discuss the following passages: 1 Corinthians 15:39-42a, 15:49; Daniel 12:2-3. In Daniel 12:3, who does he mean by “those who are wise”? Or how about by “those who turn many to righteousness”?
    3. Jesus also promised “the one who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations” (Rev. 2:26). The differing levels of authority which Jesus will reward to faithful believers in the Kingdom are well-illustrated in the Parable of the Menas. A ‘mena’ was a sum of money equal to about three month’s wages. (Don’t confuse this with the Parable of the Talents; they’re similar but different, as the chart by Kent Crockett on the reverse side shows). Read and discuss Luke 19:11-27. What is this parable about? In the parable, who is the nobleman and who are the servants? What’s the nobleman going away to do (19:12)? Why were the rewarded servants given authority (19:17)? Why were different degrees of authority granted to the two faithful servants (19:17, 19).
    4. OK, so that’s all FUTURE stuff. But there’s something happening to true believers with respect to ‘glory’ right NOW! Read 2 Cor. 3:18. Why are our faces “unveiled’? How are we ‘beholding the glory of the Lord’ now? What does Paul mean when he says we’re “being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another”?