Please Read John 5:1-18
Questions to consider about John 5:1-18:
- Why do you think Jesus chose this particular man to heal? Why did He leave the others “blind, lame and paralyzed” (vv.3-4)?
- What do we learn about the sick man’s faith in 5:7?
- Was Jesus breaking the law in 5:8? Which law? Were the “Jews” correct in their accusation against the man in 5:9-10?
- What does the description of those who were “blind, lame, and paralyzed” and waiting to be healed evoke within you? Think about the words: blind, lame, crippled. Remind you of anyone?
- What’s the most surprising thing about verse 4? I know, right?
- Why was Jesus’ answer in 5:17 understood by His accusers as “making himself equal with God” (5:18)? Can’t I do the same works my father does without making myself equal to my father?
- What was Jesus really saying? Did Jesus’ accusers misunderstand Him? Did they twist His words or meaning? Was it fake news?
- The human/divine nature of Jesus is one of the great mysteries of our faith (see John 1:14 & 5:18). How would you explain it?
- Why do you think it’s important that Jesus has both a human and divine nature?
- Look at the “Shield of the Trinity” below. What does it tell us about the Trinity? Can you list its twelve truths about God?
- How does this diagram help us to make sense of John 5:18-30? Read through the verses and try to discover Jesus’ meaning by considering the orthodox view of His nature and of the Trinity.