John 6:26-59 is often called Jesus’ ‘Bread of Life’ sermon. Is it a sermon? If not, what is it? Is it a discourse? A dialogue? A debate? A defense? Something else that starts with “D”?
How is John 6:25-26 similar to John 3:1-3?
In John 6:26, Jesus is very disappointed with the people. Why? What does He claim they’re seeking? What does He want them to be seeking?
Dr. Edward Klink suggests that “the crowd wanted a king, one to take care of their physical needs, not the Prophet, who would condemn their sinfulness and announce the plan of God.” Is this true? Are there any clues in John 6 that it is?
All of this raises the question: Why do we seek Jesus? What are some of the reasons people seek Jesus? Why do you seek Him? What’s the only legitimate reason for seeking Him?
What did Jesus mean by saying, “Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you” in John 6:27?
In Exodus 16 God provided ‘bread’ (Manna) for His people to eat in the wilderness. How does Jesus’ ‘Bread of Life’ sermon echo this story?
In Exodus 16:19-21, the people were not allowed to stock up on the Manna, but had to collect it afresh each day (except for the day preceding the Sabbath when they could collect two days’ worth). Why is this? Is stocking up wrong? Why would the Manna breed worms and stink if they kept it over night?
Jesus urged His hearers to “work” for the “food that endures to eternal life” (6:27). They ask what they must do to be doing the “work of God (6:28)? Jesus answered: “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent” (6:28). So, what exactly is the “work” that we must do? Is it our work, or is it the “work of God?” If it’s God’s “work,” why must we do it? After all, Jesus told us to “work” for the food that “endures to eternal life.” And what exactly is “eternal life”?
Extra credit: compare Isaiah 55:1-3 with John 6:27? See any similarities? What are they?