Colossians 3:9-10 “… you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its Creator.”

- What does it mean that humans bear the image of God? Read Genesis 1:26-27. Since we know that “God is spirit” and has no physical image (John 4:24), in what ways do we bear His image? How does this speak to the sacredness of all human life?
- Believers are expected to mirror the image of God. When we shine our light before others, we glorify our Father who is in heaven (Matthew 5:16). What are some of the ways that we can do this?
- When Jesus told His hearers that “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel,” He tied repentance to faith and vice versa (Mark 1:14–15). How are these two things bound together? Can one exist without the other? Why or why not?
- Consider 2 Corinthians 5:20, where believers are called “ambassadors for Christ” through whom God is “making His appeal.” What is that appeal? How are we ambassadors for Christ? To whom is God making this appeal? What does this tell us about our primary mission as we await Christ’s return? How can we be better ambassadors than we are?
- How can we bear the image of God in our character? In our conduct? In our conversation? In our countenance?
- Be honest. Do you think God has ever been blasphemed because of you? Pastor Steve Martel is going to reimagine Romans 2:17-24 for us. While Paul was challenging the Jews who rely on the Law in this passage, P. Steve will present it as a challenge for Christians who rely upon the Word of God:
‘You call yourself a Christian and claim to live by the Spirit. You boast in Jesus and you know His will and approve what is excellent because you are instructed by His Word. And you call yourself a child of God. The light to those who are in darkness, the salt of the earth. You claim to be His ambassador, pleading sinners to come to Christ. You who are the light of the world, do you live in darkness? While you say you live by faith, do you live in unbelief? You boast in His unconditional love, do you show partiality? You teach we are to love our enemies; are you resentful? You claim it was His grace that saved you, do you still live in sin? For as it is written, “The name of the Lord is blasphemed among the godless because of you.”’
In what ways is God blasphemed among the godless because of professing believers? Does this help you to see the importance of Christians mirroring God’s image publicly? But, again, how do we actually do this?
- We’ve said that the world will always judge the Master by the actions of His disciples. If this is true, how does the world judge Jesus through professing Christians today? How about through you?
- Consider Colossians 3:9-10. How do we put on the “new self” according to that passage? See Romans 12:1-2.
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