Sermons – All

Greece – Persian Wars Marathon, Thermopylae, & Salamis Bay (Feb-May 1994) (BAH30)Medes & Persians – Intro to Alexander; Zoroastrianism (Feb-May 1994) (BAH29)Lydia Herodotus; Gyges; Oracle of Delphi; Croesus; Solon; Cyrus (Feb-May 1994) (BAH28)Babylon VI – Future Religious-Economic Babylon (Zechariah 5; Revelation 17-18) (Feb-May 1994) (BAH27)Babylon V – Isaiah 131-16 (cont.); Daniel 3; Modern Babylon – Iraq; Islam (Feb-May 1994) (BAH26)Babylon IV – Oil; Me; The Day of the Lord; Isaiah 131-16 is Still Future (Feb-May 1994) (BAH25)Babylon III – Proto-Babylonian Myth (Gilgamesh & Erishkegal) (Feb-May 1994) (BAH24)Babylon II – Early Writing; Proto-Babylonian (Sumerian) Cosmology (Feb-May 1994) (BAH23)Babylon I – Language & Origins; Nimrod; Tower of Babel (Genesis 11) (Feb-May 1994) (BAH22)Divine Outline of History II – Daniel’s 4 Beasts; 70 Weeks (Daniel 7, 9) (Feb-May 1994) (BAH21)