Sermons – All

The Five-fold Transmission of the Disclosure; What it Means to Be a Doulos (1:1) – REV05
Overview of Eschatological Events; The Apokalupsis (1:1) – REV04
Where We Were, Where We Are and Where We’re Going – REV03
Seven Guidelines for Interpreting Prophetic Scripture – REV02
Introduction – Getting the Sense of it All; Four Approaches to Interpreting Prophetic Scripture – REV01
The Women Rides the Beast (Rev 17:1-15) – REV119
Bonus – ‘Greece Film’ with Commentary (04.11.94) (BAH44)The Romans – The Fall of Rome; How We Ended Up With Popes (Feb-May 1994) (BAH43)The Romans – The Roman Empire; Julius Caesar & the 1st Triumvirate (Feb-May 1994) (BAH42)The Romans – The Punic Wars; Hannibal; Carthage & Disarmament (Feb-May 1994) (BAH41)