Sermons – All

To Him Who Loves Us and Released Us from Our Sins by His Blood, Part 2 (1:5) – REV15
To Him Who Loves Us and Released Us from Our Sins by His Blood, Part 1 (1:5) – REV14
Jesus Christ…the First Born of the Dead; Perhaps Today! (1:5) – REV13
Jesus Christ, the Faithful Witness; Preventative, Momentum and Evidence Testing (1:4) – REV12
The Number Seven in Scripture; The Eternality of God the Father (1:4) – REV11
God’s Sovereign Superintending of History; The Mystery and Prophecy; Seven Spirits (1:3-4) – REV10
John: A Biblical Profile and Tradition Concerning the Disciple That Jesus Loved (1:2) – REV09
The Apostle John; What it Means to be a Witness (1:1-2) – REV08
The Usage of the Greek Word Angelos (angel, messenger) in the Book of Revelation (1:1) – REV07
Dei – The Verb of Divine Inevitabilities and Unavoidable Fates (1:1) – REV06