Sermons – All

Introduction to the ‘Good Shepherd’ Sermons: The Sheep’s Confession (John 10:1-6, Psalm 23)
The Blind Who See and the Seeing Blind (John 1.45-51, 9.7, 11, 35-41)
Orienting Ourselves to the Kingship of Jesus (John 20.30-31, Matthew 16.24-27)
Modern-day Pharisaism: “And There was Division Among Them” (John 9.16)
The Mother Who Wouldn’t Take ‘No’ for an Answer – Even from Jesus! (Mother’s Day 2024)
“Night is coming, when no one can work” (John 9:1-5)
John 9 from 30,000 FeetHow to Heal the Blind (Introduction to John 9)
The Father of the Lie and the Great ‘I AM’ (John 8.44-59)
The ‘Sons of the Kingdom’ and the ‘Sons of the Evil One’ (John 8.44)