Sermons – All

The Seventh Sign and the Lord of Life (Introducing John 11)
The Micah Mandate (Anticipating John 11, Part 4)
The Meekness Mandate (Anticipating John 11, Part 3)
God Became a Man. The Man Became a Lamb. The Lamb Became a Worm. The Worm Became the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Anticipating John 11, Part 2)
God Became a Man. The Man Became a Lamb. The Lamb Became a Worm. The Worm Became the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Anticipating John 11, Part 1)
The 4th John 10 Sermonette, Part 2: Jesus, the Hero of Hannukah (John 10.37-42)
The Love of Many Will Grow Cold
ROCK Builders and SAND Builders
Good Mourning (A Sermon in Preparation for the Lord’s Table) (James 4.4-10)
The 3rd & 4th John 10 Sermonettes – “I Said, ‘You are Gods’” (John 10.29-36)