Sermons – All

The After-Sermon Rap, Part 4: The Judas File, The ‘Who’ of It (John 6.70-71)
The After-Sermon Rap, Part 3: A Good Confession and an Ominous Warning (John 6.66-71)
Blessings Behind the Door (2 Kings 4:1-7) (Mother’s Day 2022)
The Downfall of the Domestically Devoted
The After-Sermon Rap, Part 2 – The Spirit Gives Life; The Flesh is No Help at All (6.61-65)
Jesus is Alive! It’s Time for the Blind to See! (Resurrection Sunday, 2022)
The Day That Death Did It’s Worst (Psalm 69) (Good Friday 2022)
Wondrous Day! Jesus has Died, Descended to the Dead, and Risen Again to Life Forever!
The After-Sermon Rap, Part 1: The Offence and the Offended (John 6.60, 66) (Palm Sunday 2022)
The 5th & 6th Verbal Exchanges: Jesus Becomes a Scandal (John 6.47-59)