Sermons – All

How to Heal the Blind (Introduction to John 9)
The Father of the Lie and the Great ‘I AM’ (John 8.44-59)
The ‘Sons of the Kingdom’ and the ‘Sons of the Evil One’ (John 8.44)
A Sign We Can’t Afford to Miss! (Resurrection Sunday 2024)
Jesus, Alone (Good Friday, 2024)
Entering Jerusalem, Entering the Desert (Palm Sunday 2024)
The Marginal-Wise: A Resource for Divine Wisdom“I Will Give Him the Morning Star“ (Revelation 2.21-29)
The Lord’s Table and the Coming Cosmic Shalom (Matthew 6:9-10)
The Jezebel Church: “Teaching and Seducing My Servants” (Revelation 2.20-23)