Your New Testament is Only Part of God’s Amazing Story.

    Following these links and discover so much more!

    A complete Bible. The English Standard Version (ESV) is our recommended translation: https://www.esv.org/

    A brief overview of all 66 books of the Bible (with video): https://overviewbible.com/books-of-the-bible/

    Website links to help you discover Hope and Direction in life

    Help and Guidance for Daily Living

    A number of on-line ministries offer daily devotionals – and some will even read the devotional to you! Here are a few of our favorites:

    A.W. Tozer Devotional: https://theloveofgod.org/tozer-devotional/

    In Touch with Charles Stanley: https://www.intouch.org/read/daily-devotions

    Oswald Chamber’s My Utmost for His Highest: https://utmost.org/

    First 15: https://www.first15.org/

    Devotions and resources for women

    Proverbs 31 Ministries: https://proverbs31.org/

    Resources to help build a godly home:

    Here is a wonderful resource for parents that includes devotional readings for children and biblical advice on how to deal with bullying, loss of loved ones, divorce, and more: https://truthforkids.com/

    For many creatively-done animated videos about various Bible topics, Bible book surveys and Bible stories: https://bibleproject.com/explore/

    Help for couples and single parents: https://www.familylife.com/

    Resources for Bible Students

    For Bible commentaries, Bible studies, sermons and more: https://www.blueletterbible.org/

    Another website with a slew of Bible study resources including Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias, commentaries, teaching videos, concordances, lexicons and devotionals is https://www.biblestudytools.com/

    To study a Bible verse in many different English translations: https://biblehub.com/

    For cross references to any Bible verse: https://www.openbible.info/labs/cross-references/

    For a collection of helpful maps of biblical places: https://www.biblestudy.org/maps/main.html

    To listen to audio sermons and teachings on various subjects (and even through entire books of the Bible) by various teachers: https://www.sermonaudio.com/main.asp

    For free video courses on many biblical subjects taught by Christian seminary professors: https://www.biblicaltraining.org/classes

    For an enormous collection of classic Christian literature (and even audio books which can be downloaded), visit the Christian Classics Ethereal Library: https://ccel.org/

    “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes
    from the mouth of God.”
    Matthew 4:4


    Haiti’s Child also known as Haiti Charity Hope Foundation, founded in 2005 is a Christian 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in the village of Lamothe, north of Ganthier in the city of Croix des Bouquets. The site is 12.9 kilometers (8.0 mi) to the northeast of Haiti’s capital city, Port-au-Prince.

    It is our mission to fulfill the educational, physical and spiritual needs of the children and community of Lamothe. We want to bring hope and create a better future for one small village in Haiti by addressing all the challenges present in Haiti today.

    Harvest has partnered with Haiti’s Child in a variety of ways over the years participating in fundraising, annual onsite construction and medical mission trips.

    Men’s Homeless Ministry

    Need Shelter?

    If you or someone you know needs shelter it is best to call ahead at 401-765-1777 to confirm availability.  Sanctuary is a men’s only shelter and does not allow entrance to anyone who is under the influence of substances or considered a danger to other residents.

    Operates November 1st thru mid-April

    Hours of operation = 7:30 pm – 7:00 am

    Learn More here…

    Harvest Community Church is proud to support Adam Jaquith and Scarlet Thread Ministries. Scarlet Thread is a youth focused ministry that exists to connect with youth by helping to meet the spiritual, social and physical needs of middle and high school youth throughout Wayne County, New York.

    These lasting connections are made in after-school Youth Centers and through purposeful events and service projects. Our desire is to help teens make a lifelong connection with Christ and with the local Church. From tutoring, to Bible studies, to recreation and regional events, we are committed to demonstrating Christ’s love as we meet youth where they are.

    Stephen Ministry Illustrator

    Stephen Ministry is the one-to-one lay caring ministry that takes place in congregations that use the Stephen Series system.  Stephen Ministry congregations equip and empower lay caregivers—called Stephen Ministers—to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.

    For more information visit www.stephenministries.org or please feel free to contact one of our Stephen Ministry leaders:

    Pastor Gene Giguere & Pastor Steve Bacon