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Fall of Judah I – Causes; America in Perspective (Ezekiel 16) (BAH12) April 29, 1993
Correlation of Anti-Semitism to the Fall of Nations; Revolution (BAH11) April 15, 1993
Assyria IV – Prophecy of Nahum; Nineveh’s Fall; Atomic Bomb (BAH10) April 8, 1993
Assyria III – Propaganda Techniques; Sennacherib’s Faux Pax (BAH09) April 1, 1993
Assyria II – Israel Divides, Falls, and is Led Captive (BAH08) March 25, 1993
Assyria I – Jonah, the Reluctant Prophet (BAH07) March 18, 1993
The Hittite Empire; Archaeology and the Bible (BAH06) March 11, 1993
Phoenicia; Molech Worship & Child Sacrifice; Gehenna (BAH05) March 4, 1993
Ham’s Sin; Canaanites; Sex Cults of Baal and Asherah (BAH04) February 25, 1993
Hammurabi’s Code; Egypt – 3 Kingdoms; Hatshepsut; The Exodus Pharaoh (BAH03) February 18, 1993
Early Mesopotamia; The Sumerians (BAH02) February 11, 1993
Introduction; Human History as Four Civilizations (BAH01) February 4, 1993